The Global Film Studio Private Social Network is owned by Global Film Studio Inc., and it functions similarly to Facebook.
Membership on the Network is by invitation only. The roughly 600 members are film professionals, colleagues at Global Film Studio, and selected friends who have followed the company’s activities for many years.
The Network facilitates communication, in real time, between the members, and it keeps everyone informed on each other's artistic activities as well as the company’s projects.
In Bruno Pischiutta’s words:
“We say that our network functions similarly to Facebook because they are both social networks where members own their accounts, can post news, chat, and overall interact with each other. That’s where the similarities end.
On our network, we have only 600 members who are there by invitation. They are from different continents, and they are our friends and colleagues: film directors, actors, musicians, writers, painters, directors of photography, journalists, and so on.
On our network, we don’t chat about personal stuff, but we talk about cinema, photography, music, fashion, philosophy, art, and the business of film. Ours is a community of artists who are in contact with each other and who work with our Company.
I manage the network personally, and I spend about one hour a day on the site updating the main page with news about our company, featuring our members, and following their posts.
The network makes it very easy for me to communicate with all members at once, without having to write hundreds of individual e-mails. For example, with a single ‘broadcast message’ or post on the main page of the Network, I can let everyone know my travel plans, the production dates, or when the casting is open for one of our films.
Another use of the network is to follow what all our colleagues around the world are doing. A musician can tell everybody that he/she has a new song, an actor can post photos from his/her latest film, and more.
When I travel, I often meet with members in person after knowing each other virtually for some time. The Network is also a good virtual meeting place between the actors and other film collaborators of our company who first meet there before meeting and working together on the set of our films.”