In April 2021, the Global Film Distribution Division of Global Film Studio launched an online streaming platform where nonviolent movies, documentaries, docudramas, experimental and animation films, TV series, and music videos (both features and shorts) are showcased on a pay-per-view basis (TVOD): The viewers can watch films and documentaries from everywhere in the world, in the comfort of their home, on their computer, TV, or any mobile device.
The streaming channel releases the company's in-house film productions as well as assists independent film producers in releasing their films to a worldwide audience.
Since 2012, the company owns and organizes the Global Nonviolent Film Festival, considered by many as the most important and renowned nonviolent film festival in the world. As a result, outside of its in-house productions, the festival provides contact with thousands of filmmakers worldwide who not only participate in the event but who also, in many cases, choose to release their films on, becoming therefore part of the ever-growing library of films of our channel. The films selected at the Global Nonviolent Film Festival are proposed contracts of distribution—the Digital Rights Licensing Agreement—from Global Cinema Online, and many of them remain streaming on
“Our mission is to release worldwide high-quality nonviolent films produced in different countries. Producers often attend festivals in the hope that a distributor sees their film and picks it up; to avoid a number of steps, our company creates a one-stop shop and gives the films the possibility of an immediate worldwide release.” - Bruno Pischiutta, Film Director and Chairman of the Board. is well positioned to take a share of the ever-growing online streaming market, and it aims to become a notable competitor to the likes of Netflix and Hulu.
To date, the channel is already streaming more than 280 films, documentaries, and TV series; it continues to add new titles on a weekly basis.
Streaming channel:
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